What causes male infertility

  Although the causes of male infertility are complex and there are many types, some male infertility can be prevented and avoided. Although this concept has changed, infertility is still a heavy ideological burden for men. If you stick to good living habits, some male infertility can be completely prevented and avoided:   First, get vaccinated on time and maintain good personal hygiene habits […]

What is idiopathic infertility

 Idiopathic male infertility includes four types: idiopathic oligospermia , idiopathic asthenozoospermia, idiopathic teratozoospermia and idiopathic azoospermia. It refers to male infertility patients except for abnormal sperm, the rest of the situation is normal, and the cause of abnormal sperm in patients is unknown, so it is called idiopathic male infertility. For example, idiopathic oligospermia means that the semen test only finds […]

Which genetic diseases can cause male infertility

Common genetic disorders that   can cause male infertility include:   (1) Klinefelter syndrome (Klinefelter sign, congenital testicular hypoplasia) This disease is relatively common, accounting for about 1/500 male newborns. It was developed by Dr. Klinefelter in 1942 The year is described first, hence the name. The disease is usually asymptomatic in childhood, and symptoms appear in adolescence. The typical clinical manifestations are: excessive […]

What are the methods of Chinese medicine to treat abnormal sperm

The World Health Organization predicts that male infertility, cancer and cardiovascular disease will become the three most serious diseases that endanger human health in the 21st century . Studies have shown that at present, about 5% to 8% of couples of childbearing age in the world have infertility problems, and there are about 2 million infertile couples every year, and male infertility has accounted […]

What is the relationship between diabetes and men’s sperm quality

They studied sperm  from 27 men with type 1 diabetes (average age 34), and 29 men of similar age without diabetes. The researchers found that diabetic patients had lower semen volume. When the researchers looked at their DNA, they found that high blood sugar caused serious damage to the men’s sperm. Professor Run Shuang, Director of the Third Ward […]

What does cycling do to a man’s sperm?

Cycling for more than five hours per week may have a negative impact on men’s sperm count and quality, according to a US study.   2,200 men participated in the survey study. They each provided a semen sample and reported on their daily health and exercise status. After controlling for nutritional levels, weight, blood pressure, underwear style and other factors, the researchers concluded […]

What factors can reduce the quality of a man’s sperm

 Endocrine factors – in normal male seminal plasma, estrogen levels are significantly higher than serum estrogen levels. This both indicates local estrogen production and implies that the testosterone/estrogen balance plays an important role in normal male spermatogenesis .   Environmental changes—including air pollution, occupational exposure, and living habits—can affect semen quality. Work environment also had a significant impact on semen quality. The history […]